


Notice of the 58th Coral Grass Festival

In the season when the coral grass that spreads along the shores of Lake Notoro turns bright red, The taste of autumn caught in Lake Notoro, The festival is held for two days and features singing, dancing, and other events.
The annual scallop peeling contest and the game of guessing the weight of vegetables were held. You can also grill scallops and whelks on the spot at the grill corner.

Advance tickets in exchange for beer now on sale
[Sales location] Notoro-no-so Kagariya, Abashiri City Tourism Association (Tourist information center inside Roadside Station "Ryuhyo Kaido Abashiri")

詳しいお問合せは:卯原内観光協会・事務局(かがり屋内) 0152-47-2301