Omagari Lakeside Enchi Hata de Cafe

Taking a break after the harvest experience

A kitchen car is coming to Omagari Lakeside Park!

Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10:00 to 15:00 (*excluding September 3rd and 23rd to 24th), there is a food truck in the Omagari Lakeside Park!
After the harvest experience, go shopping in the kitchen car
Would you like to take a break with nature in the background? ?

[Experience time]  09:00~12:00
[Experience fee] Mini Tomato From 500 yen per person
corn Adult 800 yen ~
 Advance reservation system

お泊りの宿泊施設フロント または 網走市観光協会(0152-44-5849)まで 


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