

Kitahama station

  • Suburban area

"The closest station to the Sea of Okhotsk"

The Senmo Main Line offers spectacular views. Kitahama station, which is closest to the Sea of Okhotsk, is just 20 meters from the coastline. It truly is "the station closest to the Sea of Okhotsk." In mid-winter, drift ice covers the coast in front of the station so densely that it becomes difficult to tell where the land and sea end. On clear days, you can see the mountains of Shiretoko, a World Heritage Site. The station building, which has the feel of a "northern station," is crammed with used commuter passes, tickets, business cards, photos, and more. At the restaurant "Teishaba" inside the station, you can enjoy meals such as curry and omelet rice while taking in the spectacular view.

*Please do not walk on drift ice as it is extremely dangerous. Falling into the sea could put your life at risk.


Recommended points from the person in charge

①You can enjoy the beautiful scenery and gourmet food not only during the drift ice season but also during the green season.
Kitahama station used to issue passes. A signboard that retains the atmosphere of the station was installed in February 2024 and is becoming a new photo spot.
③It is also a stop on the winter-only tourist train "Ryuhyo Monogatarigo", making it a station that is etched in the hearts of all who visit.

Basic information

Surrounding map


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